7 Bookshelves for Book Lovers

If you’re a lifelong reader you’ve probably amassed quite a collection of books. It doesn’t really matter what kind of reading you enjoy, whether fiction, non-fiction, poetry, biographies, histories–your books mean something to you. You’ve got the old favorites you read again and again. Most likely you have reference books, and atlases, and coffee table … Read more

Can You Afford One of These 9 Backyard Pools?

You’ve probably dreamed of having a pool in the backyard since you were a kid. And we know your  own kids have probably been dreaming about it too! While it’s still an investment to have a pool at your house, that dream has never been closer for most folks. The average in-ground swimming pool costs … Read more

Bathroom Transformations You’ll Love

White attic bathroom with bathtub

Some bathrooms are tucked into the forgotten corners of a house, like basements, attics, and additions that make excellent living spaces. Having a bathroom in the attic makes it a functional place to stay. It is better to have a bathroom in the attic than to travel downstairs to use the shower or the toilet. … Read more

10 Hottest Paint Trends of 2019

Paint is one of the most inexpensive home transformation projects to tackle. You can really change the look and feel of your room with a gallon of paint! But before you cancel your weekend plans and head to Home Depot to begin your next major room makeover, you might want to weigh the latest paint … Read more

10 Hottest Paint Trends of the Year

Paint is one of the most inexpensive home transformation projects to tackle. You can really change the look and feel of your room with a gallon of paint! But before you cancel your weekend plans and head to Home Depot to begin your next major room makeover, you might want to weigh the latest paint … Read more